Read Regarding Super Bouncing in Public Games

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It has come to our attention that a trainer to enable super bouncing for H2V has been made public. We acknowledge that super bouncing is a huge part of what makes Halo 2 so much fun and so great. However, when it comes to Halo 2 PC and this project specifically, there is a bit more to be taken into account. We want super bouncing to be made available for any and everyone to use, but we want this to be done in a way that will be a bit more controlled. What do I mean by this? Well, obviously this is not something that is in H2V by default. We want this game to be enjoyable no matter how you wish to play it. Some people like Halo 2 Vista the way it is by default, then there are some that want it more like original Halo 2. So, the plan would be to implement super bouncing in a "OG mode" if you will. A mod that would be similar to the "H2X" mod that is making H2V play more like original Halo 2 but keeping it's 60 FPS attribute. The way super bouncing is currently done makes the game...

Project Cartographer Release Notes

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Project Cartographer Release Notes: Credits - ShadowTeddy/Hootspa/UncutFighter Hitfix now runs within the Multiplayer instance of Halo 2. It shouldn't interfere with campaign. Raw mouse input (beta-buggy on vehicles) Halo 2 Xbox rebalance for Halo 2 Vista game variant (Original Halo 2 weapon fire rates when "H2X" is in game variant name. Video explaining linked below) Halo 2 Final game variant fix for dedi's Credits - Glitchy Scripts Improved Solution Setup Credits - Rude Yoshi Added a console (press ~ to access) and Remove chatbox commands (fixed rendering in game by Baked) Disabled map downloading Credits - NukeULater Added support for 60fps cinematics Reverted back crosshair location change code for multiplayer Lowered the bullet speed in Hitfix Credits - num0005 Release compiling instead of debug Discord rich pressence Static link runtimes with project so runtimes don't need to be installed Credits - supersniper Launcher 3.0.0: Support...

The H2v Hub Rules and Guidelines

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GENERAL BOARD-WIDE Nudity, porn and so forth is not allowed. All publicly displayed messages are only limited to English. This includes posts, titles, signatures, profiles and other forms of public display. SPAM We do not tolerate spam. In short, do not post small or useless posts that are not relevant. They will be deleted. OFFENSIVE POSTS Do not post offensive, abusive, obscene, hateful, discriminating or harmful posts. Use basic manners when posting. RESPECT ALL MEMBERS Public discussions of moderator or administrator actions are not allowed on the forum. It is also prohibited to protest moderator actions in titles, avatars, and signatures. If you don't like something solve the problem or difference in private. Blatant disrespect or slander/libel of any member of this forum is not allowed in any way shape or form. If you have a problem with someone solve it through PM or email DO NOT bring it out to the public. Offenders who choose to do this will be banned permanently from...

H2MT Repository and Release Thread Links

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Hello everyone! So over the passed view days I've been going through the Release Threads in the Creation Station and noticed a lot of dead links. I have now updated all the threads with working links. So feel free to download these awesome creations! H2MT Repository will slowly be worked on to make it a much more user friendly experience. If anyone finds any dead links please link to the topic when posting a response. -H2v Hub Control-

343i's "Ske7ch" acknowledged H2V in the 2/2 community update

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Its cOLD mOLD at this point, but just in case anyone missed this: Some fans pointed out a few weeks ago that the Halo 2 Vista servers were no longer showing up in-game. Yes, people still play Halo 2 Vista. Who knew!? (seriously, I didn’t really, but the team obviously does). It turns out that Halo 2 Vista servers are somewhat of an enigma. The 343 team is currently investigating the situation (we/343 don't actually manage these servers ourselves). Sauce:

Halo 1 Map Downloads

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We're almost at the point of releasing custom map downloading. But for now, please download these Halo 1 maps: Halo 1 Map Pack for H2PC And place them in: %USERFOLDER%/Documents/My Games/Halo 2/Maps There is a Halo 1 Server running

Server logon issues resolved

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The issue with logging into the launcher and account registration has been fixed. Enjoy! Notice: Due to the logon server being literally lost, we had to create a new one. Which also means all of our old accounts are gone, you are going to have to create a new account. New account creation site: Official install guide: viewtopic.php?f=39&t=3820

Logon Server Issues - Project down time

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Hey everyone, Sorry about this but an unexpected server issue has happened and our logon server is currently offline, this is out of our hands and appears to be an issue with the server host itself. We will do our best to keep you up to date and what is going on, for the latest news on whats happening the best place to look is the #Announcments section of our discord server. NOTE: Some players who were already logged in before this happened will still be able to play games normally, but if they restart there game they will not be able to log in again until this issue is fixed. So if you want to continue playing for now don't close your game.
New Launcher - Project Cartographer 09/24/2016
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Due to internal problems , we've moved to a new launcher made by Kantanomo. What does this mean? The OLD launcher WILL NOT WORK. First DELETE the old launcher (h2online.exe) and download the NEW launcher from here: ... uncher.exe You no longer to place this launcher in your Halo 2 directory, you can save it ANYWHERE on your computer. Next, run as admin, wait for the launcher to check for updates, type in your account information and play. **The symbols in the launcher look like cubes for people running Windows 7 so disregard if it happens to you. This is going to be fixed in a future update. Additionally, the new launcher has included some extra features such as resolution modification (does not support all custom resolutions) as well as the option to skip the intro video. You also have the ability to switch to the original Halo 2 Xbox FOV. In the future, we hope to integrate the mouse fix and custom crosshair placement into...

Project Cartographer: Dev Preview

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Hey all, Anyone currently interested in helping test out new features before they are released publicly please post here to participate. We will be releasing updates to these select group of people to help us find bugs, add suggestions and feedback, and just have fun in the development of Project Cartographer. With a community's combined help we can make this project 10 times better. So if you are interested let us know by posting your discord username so we can add you to the special group to have access to the specific channels in discord. As always, please do not leak any beta builds of Project Cartographer. This is incredibly detrimental to the team and our development. You won't be helping anyone too. Current Testing Features Account login and registration Register at: New H2Online launcher Access to a separate text channel in discord (which is hidden to other members) Reworked network system (backend server optimization) Zombie...
Project Cartographer Public Beta
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Hey Members/Players Of Halo 2 PC, UF ShadowTeddy here. I am pleased to present the Project Cartographer Public Beta. This is a sneak preview into what we're offering in the next update! This update to Project Cartographer will not be publicly rolled out i.e you won't be able to update from the launcher; you have to manually download it. (Files/links will be hidden for to protect against build leaks (People claiming this to be a stable release etc.), Sign into this forum with an account to view the full content in this post) Here's a quick overview of what offers: Core Voice Chat (Port Forward 1007 UDP in order to use it on your own hosted games) Limited Voice Chat funtionality/feature (Player nameplate appearing when someone talks + emblem tags changing color when teamate is talking) Chatbox commands to kick players/tweak voice activation levels. $kick <FullGamertag> and $setVoiceActivationLevel <-50db to 50db>, -50 being the minimum, 50 being the...

PSA: We now have a LIVE Discord Server!

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Hey everyone, We now have a discord server that is up and running. For those of you that are probably thinking about what discord is, Discord is a Web/Desktop VOIP client that works similarly to how Teamspeak works. It is less CPU intensive than Skype (and to some extent Teamspeak) and doesn't require you to jump through hoops etc to install and setup Discord. You either choose to run discord within your web browser or you get the desktop client (Personally i prefer the desktop client, its much more versatile and offers System-Wide Push To Talk, and is not limited to how good your web-browser is) So how do you join the Halo 2 Vista Discord Server? Use the Widget that is found on the main portal of the site and click on the connect button. You should be done at this point (Register an account too) You will need to be a registered member on this forum Discord Desktop (Download And Run): Discord Desktop Halo 2 Discord Link If you have any problems with setting up discord, make...
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While I hate to make things more difficult (as in this system just being a one click solution) for people come v0.2.1 (On the road to v0.3) we will start requiring people to make accounts in order to play with us. That means you’ll need to register on a website and then login via the launcher. This is being done for a few different reasons one of which is in order for us to do ranking/stats in the future we’ll need a way to uniquely track users other then just by their name in the game (since this can be spoofed it’s not a reliable method of doing so). I’m putting this announcement out so that people are aware of it and ready for it when it comes. With that being covered lets get into the progress of the project so far… Voice Chat We’re gearing up for a release of a alpha version of this in the next release (v0.2.1) and it’s good, Thanks Rude Yoshi for all the work you’ve contributed so far. Banning / Kicking functionality From what I’ve been told by Rude Yoshi it will...

(H2V Back Online!) - Project Cartographer - Release Date

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UPDATE: Cartographer AKA H2V:Online now has a official homepage where the download links for it will be posted in the upcoming days, Also in other news there's now an official master server which runs dedicated and is hosted through Amazon AWS so far we've seen good results. Check out the home page at ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Coming out of silence for a minute here... The progress of Project Cartographer was quite good in my own opinion I even went as far as introducing gun-game and while there is room for improvement. My final decision on the matter is that I will be finishing up the bits which will allow for everyone to interact with each-other including an more sophisticated method of launching the game ( Allowing for a user login/registration process ), I hate to say that I will not be doing this via H2Vista's servers due to the complications and added headaches with doing so. I will be...

Very sad new's Unh0ly DoUgHnUt passed away

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  • 138,0,5371700.story Sadly to say he was one of the first few to code for h2v back in the day making weird but funny mods to piss moose off but any ways Just wanted to let every one know he was a good friend to me and one of the first few people I played h2v with sad to see him go you will be missed Tyler :'(
Xbox One controller Drivers Released
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Drivers for the PC were released today, however check out the amazing game they advertised ;) June 5th 2014 7:30 am PT PC Drivers for the Xbox One Controller Now Available Beginning today, new PC drivers for the Xbox One controller will be available for download, offering PC gamers a better way to play using the Xbox One controller. We’re planning to release the drivers as part of a Windows update in the near future; however, today, I am happy to offer early access to our dedicated PC gamers on PC Drivers for Xbox One Controller (x86) PC Drivers for Xbox One Controller (x64) We know our fans have wanted PC compatibility, and we know they wanted to be able to use the Xbox One controller with the same games and applications they have been playing with using the Xbox 360 controller. We can’t wait for them to play their favorite PC games with what we consider the best controller ever made and we’re excited for fans to experience the improved D-pad, redesigned...

RIP KOD OPTIKILL The Trial has ended.

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KOD Optikill I read this on MM today: Unfortunately, I am the bearer of bad news this morning. Michael Espy aka KOD Optikill was killed by his girlfriend back on Dec. 13th 2012. KOD Meaty sent Nui and I a link this morningto a Facebook memorial page. I have been trying to contact him for a while, but never got a response, now I know why. I know he wasn't like by everyone and at times there has been conflict, but I ask that you put that aside and pray for his family. Here is one of the articles: ST. PETERSBURG - A St. Petersburg woman is accused of killing her live-in boyfriend, Michael Espy, with a kitchen knife. Police say the two had a history of domestic disputes. Officers say the woman, Jillian Leah Smith, 24, called 911 after the stabbing around 1 p.m. for medical assistance at the couples' shared home on 6th Avenue North. The victim was taken to a hospital where he was pronounced dead at 1:37 p.m. After detectives questioned Smith, she was arrested and charged with...